Saturday, November 8, 2014

Benefits of a Synchronous Session

Benefits of a Synchronous Session

I currently tutor two adult students online on Saturday mornings using a platform called eLecta. We spend our time working on different English Language skills based on the student's needs. The greatest benefit of teaching/learning in this manner is that by talking and getting to know one another, I can taylor the lessons to the student's specific needs. For example, if one student has a question about something he/she heard in conversation during the previous week, we can discuss it and address the confusion directly. Additionally, this allows for me to actually hear the student speak, and therefore I can make pronunciation and intonation corrections that I would not be able to assess and correct otherwise. Interacting and using teachable moments is a big part of any learning experience. Synchronous lessons allow distance learners to experience the benefits of these experiences, too. 

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