Monday, October 27, 2014

FERPA & Copyright

FERPA & Copyright 

    How can one refrain from violating FERPA guidelines in online communication?
That's not a difficult question to answer. Simply do not discuss information with anyone other that directly with the parent, or in any format that is public (including email in most cases)
Do not leave phone messages with details about a students status or grades and request phone or face to face conversations when possible. 

    As far a copyright law is concerned, certain methods can be employed to verify that copyright is not being violated. Make sure that you get permission to use any material that is or might be copyrighted material. Purchased blackline masters of materials are always a safe bet for materials to copy. However materials copied from books or from the internet without permission will probably result in a copyright infringement. All materials that you use in the classroom do not have to be original, but usually you just have to get permission. 

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